Fix or kill automatically installed JavaScript?

This article was first published by Julie Marchant under the license CC BY-SA 4.0.

In Richard Stallman's essay, "The JavaScript Trap", it is pointed out that people run proprietary software which is silently, automatically installed into their browsers every day. In fact, he very much downplayed the problem; not only are most users running proprietary programs every day merely by browsing the Web, they are running dozens or even hundreds of such programs each day. The JavaScript Trap is very real and prolific; the Web is said to be so broken without these non-standard, usually proprietary extensions to HTML that Web browsers have moved toward not even offering an obvious option to disable JavaScript; disabling JavaScript, it is argued, will only cause confusion.

It's obvious that we need to solve this problem. However, in focusing on whether or not scripts are "trivial" or libre, Mr. Stallman misses a crucial point: this behavior of automatic, silent software installation is, itself, the main problem. That most of the software in question is proprietary is merely a side-effect.

In response to Mr. Stallman's article, an extension for Firefox and Firefox-derived browsers called LibreJS was developed. This extension automatically analyzes all JavaScript on a page to determine whether or not they are either trivial or libre; if one of these conditions is determined to be true, the software is executed. Otherwise, it is blocked. I appreciate the LibreJS project and what it's trying to do. But I think that LibreJS is fundamentally the wrong approach to solving the problem.

Right now, LibreJS is failing because it requires a format that isn't recognized anywhere, but theoretically, this could be solved in the future, so let's suppose that it does. Let's suppose even further that LibreJS succeeds so much that it causes a large portion of the Web to release scripts under libre licenses and document the licenses in a format LibreJS can understand.

It seems great on the surface, but what follows from this is that software is still being silently installed into our browsers every day. The only difference is that LibreJS thinks the programs are libre.

I don't want to downplay the importance of all software being libre. However, when any software is automatically installed onto our computers by the request of another party, it makes exercising freedom 0 properly impossible. It is assumed that you want all of these JavaScript programs, which can easily amount to hundreds of new scripts each day, to be executed on your computer, typically before you even have a chance to check the source code.

Even worse, the system of automatic JavaScript software installation only installs the software temporarily, to be executed once. In effect, whenever the server updates a JavaScript program that is sent to users' Web browsers, that update is imposed on the users. Even if the script is libre, it's as if it has a backdoor built-in.

This is very similar to the case of tivoization, where you may theoretically have the freedom to control what a program does, but cannot do so in practice because of the circumstances. It's not enough to have theoretical control. Actual control is also needed. In the case of JavaScript, this lack of control is not a result of malice, but rather a result of Web browsers carelessly assuming that the user desires the execution of every script a Web page might recommend. This is not necessarily true. It would be like if Windows was installed on my machine every time I read an article recommending the use of Windows, or if every blog post talking about how great Chrome is resulted in the automatic installation of Chrome onto my system.

So what can we do? I know of two possible solutions.

Solution 1: Fix JavaScript

The first possible solution, and the most obvious one, is to modify the behavior of Web browsers with regard to JavaScript software requests. I propose that for the system to be acceptable, all of the following conditions MUST be met:

  • The browser must install JavaScript code permanently, and only when the user explicitly authorizes it in some fashion.
  • The browser must give the user the ability to install any arbitrary script, not just the script requested by the Web page.
  • The browser must not upgrade any JavaScript code automatically, unless the user has specified that it should be, and the user must be able to choose where such updates come from.

You will notice that automatic license detection isn't included in any of this. So how does a user get only libre JavaScript without manually checking every source file? The solution is actually quite simple: the same way as any other libre software. I trust the developers of Trisquel to only include libre software with no malicious features in the Trisquel repository. Incidentally, Trisquel's developers can actually protect Trisquel's users from malware, proprietary or not; LibreJS can't. Similarly, we can create and maintain a repository of libre JavaScript code.

For this to work, installed JavaScript programs should also work for all Web pages that request it, not just one page. What already installed JavaScript code to use by default can be determined by getting a hash of minified versions of installed scripts, and then getting a hash of requested scripts after minifying them the same way. If that doesn't return a match, the file names of the scripts can be checked for matches or near-matches, and the user can be asked if these scripts should be used. Some kind of database in the user's browser specifying websites certain scripts should be used on would also be helpful.

I suppose this approach would take a considerable amount of effort, and this is probably why the developer of LibreJS hasn't attempted it. It doesn't help that getting this to work reliably would involve constant work keeping up with changing Web pages.

Solution 2: Kill JavaScript

When I proposed something like Solution 1 on the bug-gnuzilla mailing list, one reply noted that there's a much simpler solution: rather than trying to fix JavaScript, we could just disable JavaScript execution in our browsers entirely (in otherwords, kill JavaScript). Of course, I really mean automatically installed JavaScript. There is nothing wrong with the current use of JavaScript to develop Firefox extensions, for example. User scripts and extensions can even be developed to replace important proprietary JavaScript code.

Still, this solution is not without its problems. In particular, this requires a massive social change, albeit less of a change than what LibreJS is attempting. Browsers removing JavaScript support can help this plan along, but there's a chicken and egg problem in the sense that browsers without JavaScript support will just be seen as inferior while many websites require it.

One possible middle ground to this end can be for a browser to support JavaScript, but have it turned off by default and give the user an easy way to temporarily enable JavaScript execution on a single page; that way, the user will get a JavaScript-free experience, but still have the option to use JavaScript for pages that demand it without so much inconvenience that it renders the browser unwieldy. It would even have a nice side effect of making the browsing experience generally smoother for users; a lot of websites have tremendous JavaScript bloat that can be avoided entirely just by disabling JavaScript.


Each of these approaches has strengths and weaknesses.

The first solution can yield good results immediately for things like Diaspora and Reddit: websites whose JavaScript code is required, but mostly libre. It would probably not bring about much if any change in the Web, but it doesn't need to in order to work. However, it would require some work to adjust a browser's behavior with respect to JavaScript appropriately, and it would be a lot more work to maintain a repository of libre JavaScript programs.

The second solution is rather similar to what LibreJS is currently trying to do, albeit on a much smaller scale. It depends on changing the Web: convincing the majority of Web developers to stop requiring JavaScript code. If it works, it could work spectacularly. On the other hand, it could easily fail spectacularly, or just result in yet another method to automatically, silently install software into users' browsers becoming popular.

I'm not sure which is better, but LibreJS is neither a good solution, nor a good temporary fix or even a step in the right direction. Until a libre browser which properly fixes JavaScript becomes available, anyone who wants freedom in their computing must disable all normal JavaScript execution in their browsers, even if the code is libre, and Web developers who want to respect their users' freedom should work to eliminate all JavaScript requirements on their websites.
