Raddle in response to Reddit

Raddle is here as an answer to the decisions contrary to the community of the Reddit corporation, which recently decided to stop publishing its source code as free software. In addition, it's raising some privacy concerns:

The main reason for the creation of Raddle seems to be, however, the censorship and the deletion of accounts from leftist groups, according to the explanation on the wiki page "History" from Raddle.

What changes make Raddle different to Reddit?

The overview of Raddle is simple

Keep reading Raddle in response to Reddit

Bootstrap navigation bar without JavaScript

Bootstrap is distributed with a JavaScript file called bootstrap.js which requires jQuery. This file allows, among other things, making the navigation bar work when there are dropdown menus, and toggle the navigation links, which are hidden in low-resolution screens.

The problem is that Bootstrap doesn't offer the same basic functionality without JavaScript. Namely, if you don't have JavaScript enabled, you cannot access the dropdown menu nor toggle the navigation menu in mobile or low-resolution devices. However, it's possible to offer this features without JavaScritp. In this article I show you how to do it.

Keep reading Bootstrap navigation bar without JavaScript